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Assess general and detailed personality based on factor models of personality

NEO Personality Inventory

With over three decades of valid and reliable use, the NEO Inventories are concise measures of the five major dimensions, or domains, of personality and the most important traits or facets that define each domain. Together, the five broad domain scales and the 30 specific facet scales allow a comprehensive assessment of adolescent and adult personality.

The NEO Inventories measure 18 traits grouped into the domains of Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), Openness to Experience (O), Agreeableness (A), and Conscientiousness (C).

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Because of the NEO's comprehensiveness, choose the five- or four-factor version that best fits your needs: 
  • Counseling
  • Career counseling/employment
  • In the diagnosis of personality disorders
  • Psychotherapy
  • Psychological assessment
  • Psychiatric diagnosing
  • At the start of therapy as a baseline to understanding a new client
  • Obtaining information on the patient’s prognosis and on the probable response to therapy
  • Determining the optimal form of therapy
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Choose the NEO that Fits Your Needs

The most comprehensive version of the five-factor model of personality assessment. Contains 240 items.

This is a four-factor 192 item questionnaire measuring E, O, A, and C.  Built for HR and career counseling settings. Digital administration and scoring only.

This is a five-factor 60 item version of the NEO-PI-3.  It is a quick assessment of general personality using the five-factor model.

This is a quick four-factor 48 item questionnaire measuring E, O, A, and C.  Built for HR and career counseling settings.  Digital administration and scoring only.

Provides an assessment of normal personality using the five-factor model. We recommend that you administer the newest version, the NEO-PI-3.

This is a four-factor 192 item questionnaire.  Items and the scoring keys are identical to those of the E, O, A, and C factors of the NEO PI-R. Typically used in employment settings.

NEO Professional Development Report (PDR) Module
Within PARiConnect, generate career-focused reports (Management Planning and Individual Planning) which provide scores, profile graphs, and interpretive text.

Administration Format



Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD
Photo of NEO